—u/BlackSheepBenny93 —u/laureltreesinbloom The place I was scared of was this shack in the woods I used to walk past on my way to and from school. It always gave me a bad feeling. A few years later, someone was arrested for murdering a child there." —u/Disastrous_Reserve87 He took the pistol away, and locked it up, and we went upstairs to check. My parents’ bedroom had a screen door to a balcony, which overlooked the backyard. The door and screen door were open. However, nothing was stolen." —u/yettitrooper88 —u/PrimaryRabbit It never happened again. Just that one time." —u/IfYouSaySo4206969 When I went out the next day, the bulb was not in the socket. Instead, it was lying on the ground, completely undamaged. There was no way it could have survived a fall from that high and I don’t know why the thief wouldn’t have just taken it with them. Anyway, I took the bulb inside and it was working fine, so I put it back in and went to work. On the third night, I switched the light on again and went to bed. Around 3 a.m., I walked to the backdoor and slightly opened it to see if the bulb was still working. It was pitch dark. I closed the door quickly and went back to my room.  The next morning, the bulb was back on the ground, undamaged. I avoided going to the backyard as much as possible from that day on and didn’t attempt to put any bulb there again." —u/SuvenPan On a weird hunch, I had my sister call my brother, because I had originally planned to leave my phone at home to charge. Sure enough, my brother checked my room and found my phone — that both my sister and I watched being put into the bag at the park — on my bed, charging." —u/EcstaticGod Well, those stories came up every couple weeks like clockwork. Some kid would one day become distant and quiet, not wanting to leave their cabin for activities. Sometimes they’d ask to go home early. Most wouldn’t say why, I think because they knew no one would believe them. But occasionally after prodding, they would admit that they were afraid of something they were seeing in the forest and around their cabin. All of these kids described pretty much the same thing. And it wasn’t just kids — some of the other staff members claimed to have seen something similar as well. It was pretty easy to tell who was bullshitting and who wasn’t. The ones who I think really did see something did not want to talk about it. They were very bothered by what they had been experiencing. They’d have awful nightmares, and they wouldn’t want to be outside for long.  I’ve seen plenty of crows up there, but they were just crows. They’d flap around, squawk and shit ,and that was it. I don’t know why a crow would follow someone or stare at them for hours, that doesn’t sound natural at all to me. I don’t know what to make of it. It such a silly story to hear the first time, but after hearing it again and again from people who have no way of knowing about it, you start to wonder. Especially after seeing how upset these people are. They didn’t seem to be faking it for attention. It ruined their entire week." —u/14thCluelessbird —u/trich87 —u/ijandro At this point, we were all freaked out and I remember having a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach seeing it again. We all began running like our lives depended on it because, in our minds, they did. My sister was the slowest and one of the larger and older boys had to pull her along so she didn’t get left behind. I remember looking back and seeing the van speeding up a bit, still at a distance, but clearly trying to keep up with us. It felt like we were running for ages, but we finally reached the babysitter’s house, ran up the stairs, slammed the door shut, and caught our breath. We told her what happened, but I don’t think she believed us I remember me and another girl who was in the group saw the same van drive by the window at least once (I remember it being twice, though). IDK, it might’ve been nothing that our brains twisted to be something, but, about a decade later, I still can’t shake the feeling that the van was bad news and that we were all lucky we noticed it in time." —u/Pink_Artistic_Witch

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