The readers say: It opened my eyes about the world made for men (literally), made me more cautious and aware of medical biases, and taught me how to recognise them and point them out. It is a life saviour!" —luthy_one “It shows how almost every aspect of a woman’s life is disadvantaged by being designed for men. It’s a fascinating and frustrating examination of how everything from – car crash testing, to medical research, to clothing – has been geared towards men.” —lizzieee6969 The reader says: “This book will change the way you view sexual assault, but also make you realise that there’s a lot of sexism and racism in how we handle crimes, and how we view the suspects versus the victims. You don’t realise how certain things are ingrained in our point of view and society before it’s pointed out.” —xy8lu The reader says: “This book completely changed my life. Matt Haig went from being a suicidal 20-something-year-old to a now award-winning novelist. This beautiful, honest, and surprisingly uplifting book is half-memoir, half-education on how to pick yourself up from any bad situation. Anyone who has ever struggled with their mental health would benefit from reading this.” –apk The reader says: This is one of those books that you underline a bunch of paragraphs to return to over and over again – it’s written with so much warmth, it feels like revisiting a friend. bell hooks’ commentary on society really resonated with me, and her exploration into the many dimensions of love is SO insightful. All About Love is a transformative experience and I want everyone on the planet to read it. –me! By sharing stories from her own life, as well as those from her friends and the people that have inspired her, Elizabeth Gilbert challenges us to embrace our curiosity, tackle what we most love and face down what we most fear." The reader says:  “If you’ve read any of Elizabeth’s work, you’ll already know that it’s incredibly well-written, but I was actually impressed with how she made what’s essentially a self-help guide feel as gripping as one of her bestselling novels. I fell in love with her approach to writing and way of putting words and stories together. As a writer, I found it impacted how I approach my work, but even if you don’t have a particularly artsy job, I think you’ll still find it inspirational if you’re in any way creative. I’ve re-read it at least twice since I first discovered it and I always learn something new!” –valezabakolli The reader says: “This book came to me at a time when big changes were happening. It helped me get in touch with myself, and it helped me work through some anger, hurt, and disappointment.” —kellicape The reader says: “It’s like having a conversation, she writes so well and she pushed her introverted self to say yes to things she normally wouldn’t because it’s outside her comfort zone. And it would work for anyone, because we all have comfort zones. 100% recommend!” –cathcer1984

The reader says: “It’s such a beautiful way of looking at how our failures are human and are what makes us who we are. It’s really changed the way I view ‘failure’ and I’m no longer so harsh on myself.” —gemmawalton94 The reader says: “It’s about female sexuality (all backed up by the research), debunks all the myths, and opens you up to a whole new perspective. A must-read for everyone, especially women.” —elorajaii

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